Welcome to my Christmas kitchen! In the kitchen, I have placed most of my traditional German Christmas decorations.
Below is a Christmas pyramid spinning like mad! I purchased it from Kathe Wohlfahrt on our most recent trip to Germany.
A band of angels surrounds the pyramid. I love these little figurines!
Below is my chef tree filled mainly with handmade German wooden chef ornaments.
These ornaments are made by Steinbach and Christian Ulbricht – found at local stores and on the internet. I love the chef tree! It sits in the corner of the kitchen!
Now just behind the kitchen sits the Steiff animal tree. Steiff is a German teddy bear maker, if you have never heard of them before. My mom and I collect these little ornaments – again, all handmade. Most of these are made from mohair. She put her collection the tree too – I forget which ones are mine and which are hers!
Some are ornaments, some are little miniature animals that we just tucked into the tree. We have been collecting them for years as well and purchase them on our travels to Europe – and also on the internet! My favorite is the kitten in the mitten bottom left. Here is the Steiff tree last year.
Here is the main part of the kitchen decorated for Christmas. I added the Juliska cookie jar in the center.
Small smokers sit next to the jar. Smokers are a great alternative to nutcrackers as they are quite a bit smaller so you can tuck them pretty much anywhere!
I love the vintage style wreaths that I placed around the candles. The spice topiaries are handmade from Salzburg, I wrote about them here.
The German Christmas nutcrackers sit on top of the fridge. Hmm, I kind of like them there!
Below, some more smokers sit on a cookbook shelf.
The dairy barn sits in the kitchen too. I love this little scene – had it since my childhood!
This part of the fireplace faces the kitchen.
Pomander garland adorns this more rustic mantel. This garland was also over the hood in the kitchen!
That concludes my tour in the kitchen! If you missed the rest of my Christmas home tours, check them out here: Part 1 and Part 2!
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Dearest Angelina,
I so love everything in your post, your kitchen is truly outstanding , and with your Christmas decorations its’ even cozier and warming my heart !
And how about your Christmas Trees? I love them both, they’re so unusual and yet so simple they’re irresistible !
You have to know that I love everything made of wood, and Germans make as many things as they can with the wood of their forests for so many centuries !
Wishing you a most lovely reaminder of your Sunday,
I’m sending blessings on your new week to come
XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)
Thank you, Dany! You are quite right, the Germans do make a lot of things from their forests!
Gorgeous, gorgeous and the Chef Tree is outstanding cute!! I love all the ‘wooden’ ornaments which I think the German’s are best known for. How beautiful, oops, I just noticed Daniela also mentioned the wooden items, but they are lovely, all of the Northern European countries have the most facenating decorations for the Festive Season, and some also for Easter. I was presented with an German ornament, when you light the small candles the wheel also turns, it must be the heat of the candles rising, it is really facinating. I am sure everybody will enjoy your post immensely and become inspired for the Festive Season. I wish I had some wooden cookie presses for biscuits, alas, sometimes we have to be careful what we wish for! I would have loved to spend Christmas in Hungry……..
I agree with you, the Northern European countries do have the more interesting Christmas decor – I think it is because they spend more time in the long Winter dark hours to think about it!
Thank You for Sharing! Sooo much FUN! In our early days of marriage my husband made 2 of the candle decorations. I remember they where made out of balsa. When we lit ours it caught on fire! One went to my Mom. Sadly we have neither! Love your Steiff tree. Big fan! Merry Christmas
Barb, thank you! Oh, that is a funny tale of your burnt balsa! I do watch the pyramid closely to make sure the candles don’t burn all the way down!
Hi, I just recently found your blog and started following and I really love it! We have a lot in common, I was born in Germany and love to decorate for Christmas in that style, and also the French style! Which you do so well! I have been to Oberammergau and it was such a beautiful, quaint town. I bought one of my first Black Forest cuckoo clocks there among other decor and I love, love that store! I was there in the month December and the streets were snowy and Christmasey and I didn’t want to leave! Thanks for the blast from the past!
Hi Cathy, I am glad that we could share in memories about Germany. Oberammergau is just so cute; I have yet to buy a cuckoo clock – I can never decide which one I want!! I only dream of going over there in the Winter!