How to Style a Fall Table with Non-Traditional Colors and a Blog Hop!

How to Style a Fall Table with Non-Traditional Colors and a Blog Hop!We use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

Today I have two exciting things: one, I’m sharing my Fall tablescape and I’m hosting and participating in a Fall tablescape blog hop as part of the “It’s a Wonderful House” blog tours! We did this series last Fall and Christmas and it was fun and successful! Tons of beautiful tablescape inspiration for you today!

So let’s get started! This year I was inspired by green and white.  Perhaps it is because our Summer was full of browns here in California.

Green and White Fall Table

For years we didn’t really decorate for Fall because the traditional Fall colors didn’t really match the colors of our home.  No offense to bright orange found in pumpkins, but it just doesn’t really go in my house. 

Then in recent years these fairytale pumpkins started showing up at farm stands and markets and it opened up an opportunity to use pumpkins that were not just orange!

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Not that I’m poo-pooing orange all together.  Last year I decorated my table with blues and oranges.  This year I went to the opposite side of the color wheel and headed to the greens.
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Each place setting has a Juliska dinner plate, a green antique Majolica plate (similar), and a Staub pumpkin cocotte.

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We love using these pumpkin cocottes in the Fall for soups and stews.

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I actually had a dream about this table: I used my green majolica plates in a table setting.  The centerpiece in my dream was TBD, but I woke up and ran with it!   

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For the centerpiece, I picked some olive branches from the garden.  How cute are the little olives?  I recommend using any sort of greenery from your garden.  I was originally going to use grapevines, but they were destroyed by white flies this year.  So I started eyeing the other plants in the garden and clipped a few olive tree branches.

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I also found some curious pieces of squash at the local farm stand – in green and white!  I dug through their big flat of odd squash to find the perfect colors.

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These blue/green pumpkins are fairytale pumpkins, the variety is Jarrahdale.  They came from a local farm, but in previous years I have been able to grow my own.   This year we planted our own patch – 13 plants to be exact.  So far only 4 pumpkins have grown, two of which were these white baby boo pumpkins here.   I don’t think we watered them enough and then they got attacked by white flies.

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You can look past just green and white for nontraditional Fall decorating.  When you look at the color palette for Fall, it is actually a whole rainbow of colors.

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There are oranges, yellows, and reds, yes that’s obvious.  But look closer… the leaves still have green, as do pears and apples.   There are jewel tones – look at the figs and plums.  I wrote a post here about using pinks for Fall.  Metallics also go very well with Fall decor!  There are shades of brown from wheat and drying grasses. You can paint your own pumpkins to get the color you want – there are tons of tutorials on Pinterest.  Can’t find a color you like? Velvet pumpkins come in a variety of colors too.

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Look to your own garden for Fall table decor. I’m sure you can find something to bring in and use on the table! And if you want the easiest way of using non traditional colors on your Fall table, just create a floral arrangement of whatever you desire and then throw a few white pumpkins on it!

Fall table setting with green and whitePin this image on Pinterest

That concludes my Fall tablescape tour.

how to style a Fall Table with nontraditional colors

Now, next up on the “It’s a Wonderful House” Fall tours is Wanda at From House to Home. I know you will love her pale pink and grey table!

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Petite Haus // From House to Home // Living Large in a Small House // Mint Candy Designs


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Rosemary and Thyme // Lincluden Cottage Life // Belle Bleu Interiors

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Follow the Yellow Brick Home // Roots North and South // Back to the South // White Arrows Home



  1. September 28, 2018 / 5:03 am

    I love all those gorgeous pumpkins and the colors you used. I have used both colorful and more neutral colors for my fall tables over the years. There is so much to work with this time of year! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. September 28, 2018 / 5:12 am

    Just gorgeous my friend! Jarrahdale and Musque De Provence are my favorite pumpkin varieties. I love that you used the olive branches from your garden. I have playing around with the idea of olive branches for use in my Thanksgiving decor.

    I am cracking up about your dream…I thought I was the only crazy blogger who dreamed about blogging!
    I am glad you went with your dream inspiration, because this is just gorgeous. You are so right about all of the colors being represented in autumn. Inspiration abounds in nature!

    Your whole dining room looks lovely.

    Thanks so much for hosting this tour. Happy fall!

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:13 pm

      Sorry for the late reply! I have not heard of Musque de Provence but I will look it up – it sounds like I will love it! And nope, you are not the only one dreaming about blogging!

  3. September 28, 2018 / 7:30 am

    Such a beautiful table . I will be the one going through the crates looking for soft color pumpkins again this year.

    People look at me probably wondering why I am so fussy.

    Love the sweet olives on your branches

    Wish me luck on my quest tomorrow

    Enjoy your weekend and season of beauty


    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:13 pm

      Yes I kept digging through all of the crates and bins looking for the perfect pumpkin, I know people were looking but I am picky! Sorry for the late reply!

  4. September 28, 2018 / 8:22 am

    Your green & white table is gorgeous, Angelina! Since I’m not a big fan of orange either, I love to see how other people use non-traditional fall colors. Your centerpiece with all of the blue/green pumpkins and the olive branches is beautiful. Thanks for hosting the blog hop!

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:14 pm

      Thank you so much! I am so glad you joined the hop with me! Sorry for the late reply!

  5. September 28, 2018 / 8:45 am

    So gorgeous Angelina! I love the soft pastels matching perfectly with your home!! I want your cute pumpkin cocottes layered on top of your gorgeous green plates!!! Thank you so much for organizing the tour! Have a great Autumn weekend! 🍂🍁🍂

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:14 pm

      Thank you so much! I have the pumpkin cocottes in orange too because I couldn’t help myself and bought two sets. Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been a bit busy!

  6. Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
    September 28, 2018 / 10:08 am

    Angelia, this is absolutely beautiful! I love the green color combination joining the pretty blues of your dining room. Your dining room is stunning! Thanks so much for inviting me to join this tour. Happy Autumn, sweet friend!!!

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:14 pm

      Thank you so much! I’m so happy you joined the tour! Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been a bit busy!

  7. September 28, 2018 / 4:20 pm

    I absolutely love fall in Illinois but like you have never appreciated the orange, yellow, reds. It just didn’t go with my home. I’ve now started collecting and decorating for fall. I find beautiful things in white, green and blue (my colors). Your tablescape is beautiful. I’m so jealous that you have olive branches available in your back yard. The closest I can get is faux branches.

    Thanks so much for hosting this. It was fast, easy and fun.

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:15 pm

      It seems 10 years ago that people only decorated in the traditional colors but now it seems it’s acceptable to decorate in all the colors for Fall! We can grow olives here, but I can’t grow things like rhododendrons! Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been a bit busy!

  8. Shelley from Roots North & South
    September 28, 2018 / 5:37 pm

    Those green and white pumpkins are so pretty! Love non-traditional pumpkin colors. Thanks again for organizing this hop!

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:16 pm

      Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been a bit busy! Thank you so much and for joining the hop!

  9. September 28, 2018 / 6:34 pm

    I am in love with your home and exquisite table Angelina. Those soft tone pumpkins are gorgeous! I particularly love how you created the runner with the greenery and pumpkins. Very stylish and eye-catching.

    I enjoy using both color palettes. Orange and blue always make a statement while a softer color palette makes me dream away. It all depends on my mood. Thank you for organizing this fun blog hop. Have a wonderful autumn!

    Rosemary & Thyme

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:16 pm

      Thank you so much Janet! Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been a bit busy! Yes the color palette totally depends on my mood too! Had it been raining and cold I probably would have chosen a warmer color palette!

  10. September 29, 2018 / 6:15 am

    Such a pretty fall tablescape! I really like the greens – it makes a smooth transition from summer to fall. Stopping by from the Best of the Weekend link up. 🙂

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:17 pm

      Thank you so much! Yes I think the greens and whites does transition into Fall – I think I will do more traditional colors for my Thanksgiving table!Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been a bit busy!

  11. October 1, 2018 / 7:29 am

    I love the greens and whites. Those are my favorite colors this fall! Thanks for organizing this amazing tour!

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:17 pm

      I love them too! I’m so happy you joined us on the hop! Also sorry for the late reply, I’ve been a bit busy!

  12. Joy
    October 2, 2018 / 12:22 pm

    I’m not a fan of orange, so I am loving the white pumpkins! I need to try growing some of the Baby Boo, they are darling. Enjoy your “dreamy” table.

    • Angelina
      October 6, 2018 / 4:20 pm

      The baby boos are the easiest to grow and also have the shortest growing time! I recommend trying it next year!

  13. October 11, 2018 / 11:26 am

    Your fall tablescape is absolutely beautiful! I’ll be featuring you Friday night for this week’s “Best of the Weekend” party.

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