We have had the Peloton Bike since 2016 and several months ago added the Peloton Tread to our home gym.

The PROS of the Tread
First, let’s talk about the looks – yes, it sleek modern looking treadmill.
I love the big touchscreen on it. I also like the little shelf in front of the screen where there are two water bottle holders. I will frequently put some chapstick, my towel, and depending on the day – my kindle/book if I’m just doing some “lazier” walking. The screen can be tilted as well.

The knobs – the one on the right adjusts the speed and the left adjusts the incline. The incline goes up to 15% and the speed is 12.5mph! In the center of the knob is a “jump” button that you can manually set to different inclines and speeds. For me, when I hit the jump button on my incline it goes up 1% and my speed 0.5mph.

I really like the slat belt – it feels really solid under your feet unlike the other standard treadmill belts. I think honestly this is my favorite feature of the treadmill.

They have a variety of classes. They have sprints, intervals, runs, jogs, walk/runs, walking, power walking, hiking (so just walking at an incline), boot camps, strength training. Also there is yoga, meditation, and stretching.
I like the strength training classes – I know you can do these with the peloton bike, but we got the package with the peloton weights and we tend to do the strength classes more. We have other weights, but I actually recommend buying the Peloton weights because they are square and you tend to do a lot of push ups on the weights – our old weights were round and would roll so we couldn’t do some of their exercises properly.

Here are my husband’s thoughts – the real RUNNER of the both of us:
The treadmill allows at high speeds to increase in increments of 0.1mph unlike most other treadmills when sprinting. It is unusual for treadmills to have the ability to do that when you are sprinting – usually they only increase in increments of 0.5mph.
The slat belt feels very sturdy but not clunky – it does not feel like a hard cement. The slat belt can easily take the impact of a heavier weighing person running full speed without any slippage or stoppage under your feet.
You need to find an instructor that works best for you and your exercise style – so if you have to try out every instructor 1-2x or more until you find your favorite, then so be it! There is an instructor for every one!
Below, just showing how much space we have behind the treadmill – enough to lay an exercise mat so we can do the boot camps and strength classes!

Let’s talk about the cons.
The price. Yes, it is expensive. I can’t really say the treadmill is “worth it” because of the price, but that said… it keeps us healthy and how much are you willing to pay for your health?? We already drank the Peloton Kool-Aid (Powerade?) with the Bike and were already paying for a Peloton subscription. If you have the bike, your $39/month bike subscription includes the treadmill subscription.
For me, the number of walking classes. I KNOW people buy treadmills to run, but I hate running but do like walking and wish that they had more walking classes of ALL lengths. I find that I sometimes have to do the run classes and just walk through them—not a HUGE deal, but hey, if I’m paying $4000 for a fancy treadmill, shouldn’t they produce content for everyone?
So our treadmill hasn’t had any mechanical problems, but my mom got the treadmill right when it came out and had some mechanical problems – the technicians have been out a total of 3 times. The screen wasn’t turning off. It was making a HORRIBLE clunking sound when the incline would go up/down. IMO, that is kind of ridiculous given the price and how new it was. I STRONGLY recommend purchasing the extended warranty because of this.
The scenic “runs or walks” are just copied over from the Peloton bike library – so they are filmed at a fast rate as if you were biking instead of running/walking. I wish they could slow the films down to go a slower speed for walking/running. Speaking of the scenic runs, there should also be a way to sort them. There is NO way to sort them currently (goes for the peloton bike too!)
I wish there was a way to hook the screen up to the tv – it is SO big, there should be a way to splint screen so you could watch tv on one half and then have the class on the other half.
I strongly recommend going to the local Peloton boutique to try it out before plunking down a few thousand dollars on this.
Here is my Peloton Bike Review.
Favorite Extra Equipment
This is the exact fan we use for the Peloton Tread – a big wind machine. Although one with a remote control like this one is nice too.
Heart Rate Monitor I use for the Tread and the Bike. I like it better than the chest strap.
Here is the equipment mat we use – cheaper than the Peloton one.
I love this sweat wicking temple tape headband.
Love these weights – a cheaper alternative to the Tread.
I have some of my favorite work out products here at my Amazon store.
You can use my referral code HMUX7R when you purchase the Tread – this gives you and me $100 off at the Peloton boutique! win win!