The Sweets Tree

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Every time I post a tree I feel like I say the same thing… now THIS is my favorite tree! This tree I put on the middle of my kitchen island this year so we could get a full 360 view of it!

How did you plug it in, you might ask? Well, the runner serves a purpose… it hides the cord!

This tree MAY be my favorite tree to look for ornaments for! They are all so fun and whimsical. Where do I get my ornaments? I will browse ANY store that sells ornaments… you’ll be surprised… a little cupcake here, a piece of pie there…

This year I did not do a ton of browsing for ornaments (or really anything!) to be honest. I searched out Hobby Lobby and Roger’s Gardens in October. That’s it.

That’s okay… there’s always next year!


Happy New Year!

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Hello my dear readers! Wishing you a Happy New Year!! Can you believe it is the year 2020??? This post is just a little bit of this and that.

First, the biggest news I have to share is that we are expecting a baby girl coming in May! I am sure I will be sharing my nursery design process with you all.

The roarin’ 20s. Here’s hoping 1920s style will be revived a la Downton Abbey.

I spent my New Years Eve browsing the Mario Buatta auction at Sotheby’s. You can peruse the catalog too by going here. Below, one of Mario Buatta’s rooms. I do love all of the pictures hanging on the walls round the antique secretary!

What Is the future of this blog? At this point, I still intend to keep blogging but I will cut back on the number of posts I do. Blogging is my hobby and I like to play around with my camera. I don’t want to change what I blog about and become “a mommy blog”. I will still keep my topics the same, but will change a few design topics- like blog nurseries, for example (although my very first post was ironically about the Royal Nursery for Prince George! So really, I am staying on trend!)

OKAY! Happy Weekend… You know what’s coming up… THE GOLDEN GLOBES! Can’t wait to see what the stars are wearing on the red carpet! Will share my favorites, of course! Stay tuned!


I did Invisalign as an adult!

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Over the past few years, I noticed my teeth getting progressively more crooked. Overall, they were pretty straight, but every time I looked at myself in photos I just hated how my upper teeth looked. I noticed I started smiling less in the pictures and that made me feel sad.

So I decided to do something about it and I made the plunge and decided to try Invisalign as an adult.

My goals of treatment were just to get my teeth straight. Yes, I have an open bite but I decided not to address that because it would have been a 2 year treatment plan to fix it, and frankly, I don’t care that much.

Here’s how my progress has been going on so far… this is week 13.


AFTER: (13 weeks)

I was placed on the Invisalign Express schedule – meaning I change my aligners weekly.

There are a few things I have been disappointed about.

  1. When they gave me 13 trays, I thought that was IT. Like I was done with treatment. Nope, it turns out I had to get rescanned and then MORE trays were ordered. 6 weeks more (for now… we will see).
  2. When they did the rescan, there was a delay in production of the trays due to high demand so my trays were delayed 2 whole weeks – which meant 2 more weeks of wearing these things. UGH

A few things about Invisalign that I DON’T like:

NO they are *not* invisible. People do notice them.

THERE IS NO SNACKING which is horrible to me since I prefer to eat like 4-6 smaller “meals”. The 3 meals a day deal just doesn’t work out – and in fact, I’ve lost 3 pounds unintentionally with these things. Which I suppose is a bonus, but I did not enjoy losing it.

Also, no drinking hot drinks with the aligners because you could overheat them and they can distort and lose their shape. Really you should only drink water with them in and nothing else. Sometimes I’d cheat and drink a diet coke. I always took them out for coffee (iced or hot).

You will get sick of brushing your teeth. I brush my teeth at least 3 times a day. Every time you eat, you have to brush your teeth before you put them back in. If you don’t, well your teeth are covered in food, and bacteria loves food, and then the bacteria are “locked in” with the trays and you can get cavities. THAT said, when I went to my dentist most recently my gingivitis test, you know, when they poke your gums to see if they bleed, went really well. No bleeding. Got all 2’s and 3’s. So I suppose there really is a benefit to brushing your teeth everyday.

They place little “buttons” on your teeth that are enamel colored – I was told I’d have one or two… yeah I have two on one tooth alone. The buttons give the trays something to pull/push against. I have l0. Some people get them on every tooth.

There is this thing I didn’t know would happen, I showed to an appointment one day and my teeth were “overcrowded” so they filed down like 1mm off a few teeth – um, it was the oddest feeling ever and I did not enjoy it and hope I don’t have to do it again. THAT said, my teeth are straighter now, so… winning.

THINGS I do like:

My teeth are straighter!

They are better than metal braces, I swear. I had metal braces as a kid and these are way better.

They are minimally uncomfortable when you switch trays, but NOTHING like when you’d get a new adjustment with metal braces.

Did I mention my teeth are straighter? So I’m willing to suffer with the things above, if my teeth are straighter.

But SERIOUSLY when will I be done? Cause home girl here is HONGRAY.


Life Lately

Life LatelyWe use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.


One of our favorite dishes to eat in the Summer is this recipe by Giada that has burrata, nectarines and corn. I confess though, I never had made it with burrata! We never had it on hand. It is delicious without it!


The Spanish Princess on STARZ. For period drama fans!

GLOW- on Netflix. It’s about a show within a show – a bunch of actresses who play female wrestlers. Set in the 80s.

Stranger Things – Netflix. It’s a Sci-Fi show set in the 80s. Really good but if you don’t like sci fi or anything remotely scary, this is not for you.

HANNA – on Amazon Prime. It is about a young girl who from birth was trained to be the ultimate fighter and assassin.

Gentleman Jack – HBO.  Set in 1832 West Yorkshire, England, Gentleman Jack is inspired by the true-story and coded journals of Anne Lister, and follows her attempt to revitalize her inherited home, Shibden Hall. She is a Lesbian and stood up for women’s rights. The banter is so witty I love it!


This is where I normally put down what clothes I bought… but this time I BOUGHT A PIANO!! It is a digital piano, which is much smaller, lighter weight, and cheaper (plus I can put on headphones if I want to practice and not annoy my husband). I have not played the piano in 15 years.

Relearning the piano is not quite like riding a bike. It is more like this: remember in high school you took a foreign language (I took German)… but then you didn’t speak that language for 5… 10…15… 20… 30… years? Now try to speak it again! But let’s say you go visit a country that speaks that language (Germany for me), and suddenly several days later you surprise yourself at what you can remember? THAT is what it is like picking up piano again!


Listen. I have read A LOT of books. I’m almost a little embarrassed to tell you how many I’ve read this year. itmightbeover200maybecloserto250butwhoscounting. How do I read so many? Well, one, I speed read. Two, if parts of the book are boring, I literally skip it. Sometimes when I read a book really fast because I am just dying to know what happens, I will go back sometime later and reread it and take my time.

Here are a few of my recent favorites. I’m not going to summarize them because if you just click the link they totally summarize it way better than I can on Amazon’s description. ALSO I love fantasy books (and also some romance books too)

I’m ONLY sharing the books that gave me book hangovers… you know, when the book ends, you feel lost… like, what am I going to read next? Or you don’t want to leave the world the book created?

Where the Crawdad’s Sing – historical fiction. REALLY good.

The Silvan – If you love JRR Tolkien, this book is for you! A wonderful fantasy world.

Darkfever – a fantasy series with some romance. If you like vampires/fae, then you will probably like this one.

The Name of the Wind – I am currently listening to this book on audible as an audiobook to and from my work commutes. It is another fantasy series.


APL Bliss sneakers – I lounge around in these. AS for the fit, I probably should have ordered half a size up. They are a wee bit snug but it’s fine for lounging. Not for working out.


Spring in the Mudroom

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I love styling my mudroom for the various seasons.  This year I was inspired by pink peonies!

Blush pink and hot pink peonies! If only they lasted longer!

A baby pink hat and a Lilly P scarf add more pink.  You may spot some new to me pink and white Wedgwood too!

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Fab Finds

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It’s been a while since I wrote about some of my fab finds… perhaps this Saturday morning you can sip and shop!

First, I bought this blue and white check tea kettle from Mackenzie Childs!! I already had it in black and white, but I purchased the bigger 3 qt version here.  Here is a link to the smaller 2qt.

We saw some people bring these towel clips to the pool in Hawaii and we thought… WOW, what a great idea!  You just simply clip your towel to the chair so your towel doesn’t blow away!

I upgraded my Kindle Paperwhite to the newest version…. the new version is WATERPROOF! This is perfect for me so now I can sit in the pool and read my paper white and not worrying about a little bit of water splashing on it! Also the new version has the ability to have white font on a black background which is a big deal to me as a night reader. If you already have a kindle, you can trade your version in. I had the previous generation paper white and got $25 for it (okay, so not much!) and also a coupon for XX% off the next one(I forgot how much) but basically the upgrade cost me $70.  Worth it to me!

L’occitane face masks!  I love face masks.  I tried the purifying mask (or you can try the tester version, size pictured above) which per the description is

“The Purifying Mask is made with freshly-cut, organic thyme from Provence.The mattifying, purée-like texture immediately absorbs excess sebum and gently exfoliates with olive leaf powder.
Ideal For:
– Mattifying
– Gentle Exfoliation
– Immediately absorbing excess oil”


And then I tried the Radiance scrub size pictured above(a tester version is available here) which

“The Radiance scrub, enriched with freshly harvested pomelos from Corsica, which are known to contain natural fruit acid, provides instant exfoliation to the skin. A jam-like scrub that’s jam-packed with benefits. How could you possibly resist?
Ideal For:
– Exfoliation
– Skin seems smooth and radiant
– Illuminated complexion”

I got this phone finger holder ring.   I love it! It makes it easier to hold my phone.  I can’t believe I went so many years without one!

Silicone straws! I have these stocked in both our cars and our house since we hate the paper straws California makes us drink out of.

Nail clips to remove gel nail polish.  These worked better than me attempting to cut foil out and wrap my fingers.  I always remove gel nail polish myself.  They weren’t PERFECT but it got the job done faster than with foil.  I did not use the little cotton pads that came with it.

I LOVE perfume and my most recent perfume purchase is Tom Ford’s Eau de Soleil Blanc.  Description is here  ” Crisp. Radiant. Addictive. Eau de Soleil Blanc embodies a refreshing illumination on private blend Soleil Blanc–bright, crisp and drenched with sparkling citrus. The vibrant twist on the floral amber warmth mirrors the crystalline reflection of the white sun, a sensuous gleam of sky on water. Fragrance family: fresh Scent type: fresh citrus and fruits Notes: vert de bergamot, orange bitter orpur, petitgrain bigarade orpur, ylang-ylang from Comore Islands, pistachio accord, coco de mer accord 1.7 oz.”

My NEW favorite socks, BOMBAS! (that link is at Nordstrom)- or you can order them from  They are the most comfortable socks – they make dress socks, athletic socks, ankle socks, no show socks.  My husband introduced me to them and they are great!

Alright, that’s it for Fab Finds this time!


Fab Finds

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I was trying to come up with a new series, since frankly I haven’t been updating my Monthly Decor Finds Series.  I thought, why not include things that I’ve recently bought and liked. Fab Finds I’m calling it. Pretty simple.  These are not sponsored posts.. #iwish.  Just, things that I recently bought and found useful or loved!

Rose Scented Drawer Liner from Diptyque – I’m obsessed with Diptyque and every year for Valentine’s Day they release a new rose scent and included in the collection are scented drawer liners!  They smell like heaven! The scent wears off after a few months, but I love putting one or two in my closet and when you open the drawer, wow!

Silicone Kitchen Sponge – Yes, a sponge. I love this sponge! It doesn’t get all nasty like other kitchen sponges. And you can pop it in the dishwasher to keep it clean.

Adjustable Tablet Stand – I love this thing!  I got it for my iPad, but I use it for my kindle and my phone and actually as a cookbook stand too! It is sturdy and folds down to nothing. It is also a great price.

Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream – this cream is magic. It is so smooth and makes my skin feel so nice.  It has a nice little scent to it (so if you don’t like scented creams, I don’t recommend it for you). I only wish it had SPF in it too. It is my new favorite face moisturizer.

Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot File – yeah, I went there. A foot file? HEY this thing is magic and I don’t giggle when I use it like I do when I get a pedicure and the lady scrubs the bottom of your foot.  You’ll want this before sandal season!

Hydro Flask Tumbler – I am writing a post about my favorite water bottle right now.  But I also bought this tumbler and I love it! I love the straw which is flexible and made of silicone which means it’s super bendy. Which means I don’t have to lean as far over when I’m being lazy.


For everything that you can get on Amazon, I’ve also linked to my Amazon store so you’ll be able to see everything I’ve featured before.


Life Lately

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I’ve been living in my Alo Moto sweatpants. I have them in black and white!

I’ve also been living in my Uggs. I have several pairs.  I recently learned that they make Ugg sheepskin insoles!  I just bought a pair and put them in my oldest pair of Ugg slippers – now they feel like brand new!  If you have an older pair of uggs, I strongly recommend replacing the insole!


7 Days Out – Chanel Haute Couture.  This is only one episode of in this show series. It is a behind-the-scenes documentary of the Chanel Paris couture Spring Fashion show 2017. If you enjoy haute couture you will love the show.Chanel Couture Spring 2018

Schitt’s Creek on Netflix. This show is about a family who are really rich and lost everything. They had to move to a dumpy little town in the middle nowhere and starts their lives all over. If you like the office you’ll probably like the show.

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon – we watched the entire season in weekend. It follows Mrs. Maisel who is trying to become a comedian. First season won a ton of awards.

Outlaw King on Netflix

We thought we would love this movie. It’s about the Scots vs the English in the 1200s (or is it 1300s?).  It was so slowly moving, we only made it about 1/3rd of the way through and had to give up.  It was disappointing, especially because we love sword fighting!


The Kingfountain Series – I stumbled upon the series is recommended books from my Kindle.I am actually on book 3 but the first book starts with the queens poisoner. It follows the life of a little boy named Owen and his journey into adulthood. If you like Arthurian tales and the War of Roses, you will probably like this book. There’s a touch of magic as well

The Throne of Glass series –the last book of Throne of Glass series was released at the end of this year. This is final book, kingdom of ash.

Harley Merlin Series – this is book 4 of the Harley Merlin series. It follows Harley Marlen and her magical friends as they battle evil witches and warlocks. If you like Harry Potter you may be interested in this book.

Strange the Dreamer – “In this sweeping and breathtaking novel by National Book Award finalist Laini Taylor, author of the New York Times bestselling Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy, the shadow of the past is as real as the ghosts who haunt the citadel of murdered gods. Fall into a mythical world of dread and wonder, moths and nightmares, love and carnage.” – Amazon.


Found some Gucci lookalike handbags on Amazon.

Wooden handle bag  comes in tons of colors and lots of different options!

Cute bow bag = comes in black, white and red.

Pink shoulder bag – also comes in more colors

There are tons more cute purses like above here


Well I can’t really say I bought anything since Christmas just occurred.   I dod however receive a new perfume, YSL Black Opium.  I love reading how they describe perfumes. “Highly addictive. Seductively intoxicating. Like a shot of adrenaline, the rich coffee bean notes jolt the senses with a high dose of energy, becoming softer and more feminine with the white flowers of jasmine sambac. The sweet sensuality of vanilla beans wraps the fragrance into a gourmand, voluptuous signature. Black, not a color, an attitude.”


I’ve been trying to eat healthier after all of the junk I ate at Christmas. Try this roasted sweet potato black bean salad.


Holiday Prep Giveaway!

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It’s the season of giving and every year I like to give back to my readers by participating in a GIVEAWAY! Who doesn’t love a give away?!  I’m so excited about this one!

It’s time for the annual Season of Giveaways at Katherines Corner!

Every year she gathers friends and sponsors to give you an amazing holiday season filled with wonderful prizes.

It is a fun way to say thank you to all of our readers.

One winner will receive a $150 Target Gift Card!!

The prize is provided by Katherine’s Sponsor, Casa Bouquet, and by Katherines Corner, and ALL of the lovely Giveaway Hostesses.

Please remember to follow Katherine, Lisa and ALL of the giveaway hostesses so you can get all of your entry opportunities.

Katherine-Katherines Corner

Lisa-Casa Bouquet

Tamaki-Bubbling with Elegance and Grace

Nina-Vintage Mamas Cottage

Nancy-Nancy on the Home Front

Angelina-Petite Haus

Amber- Follow the Yellow Brick Home

Disclaimer from Katherines Corner-Some of Katherines giveaways have sponsors, Katherines Corner may receive compensation for reviews and advertising provided through a sponsored giveaway. However, no compensation will influence the outcome of any review or giveaway win. Katherines Corner provides reviews to readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase. Katherines Corner and its affiliate Bobskatie Enterprises reserves the right to not publish a review of a product or products that do not meet the specified instructions provided to product submission companies or individuals. Reviews are posted in the appropriate section at Katherines Corner and also at ( subject to products availability) This in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

To Enter please log into the entry form using your Email Address or Facebook login

Target is not endorsing or in any way responsible for this giveaway.

Good Luck in the Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So tell me now, what would you do with the Target gift card? 

I know that Hearth and Hand at Target (by Chip and Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper) has some new Christmas items in. Leave me a comment!


Cakes at Thursday Favorite Things

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Happy Thursday Favorite Things! Can you believe that it is November already?  We turn the clocks back this weekend – I confess, this is literally both my favorite and least favorite day of the year.  I *love* to sleep, so the extra hour of sleep is nice, but I *hate* how the sun will now go down at like 5pm.

I have been so tired this week, and I think it is probably because I have been staying up too late reading… I have been sucked into a book series that I can’t stop reading. I’ve read 3 books this past week, uh… about 2200 pages total. Yep you read that right.  If you’re wondering how I do it, I speed read (obviously). The series I finished is the Throne of Glass series  – perfect for Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones lovers.

This week I shared about a pumpkin festival I went to in Switzerland – be sure to check it out!

My Recipe Treasures shared this cute pumpkin cake!

Kocina de Penay shared a recipe for Yema cake. I confess I had never heard of Yema cake before, but it looks delicious. She also has a history about what Yema cake is!

The Kittchen shared a recipe for reduced fat pumpkin cheesecake. Yes please!

If you’re new to this party, this is a weekly link party where you can link up your blog posts.  It is a great way to get traffic to your blogs! Bloggers and blog readers can both enjoy the party – stop on at other’s blogs and say hello!  I also pin my features (and others, too!) to our Thursday Favorite Things Pinterest Board, so be sure to follow along!

Remember you can add three links until midnight on Saturday. One each day or all at once.

Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.

Inlinkz has implemented a new policy when you add your link to the list you need to click the little square boxes about their policies on the bottom right.

Please subscribe to ALL of your hostesses blogs

Katherine-Katherines Corner

Nina-Vintage Mamas Cottage

Marilyn-Marilyns Treats

Bev-Eclectic Red Barn

Angelina- Petite Haus

Amber- Follow the Yellow Brick Home

Theresa- Shoestring Elegance

Linda- Crafts a la Mode

Pam- An Artful Mom


Life Lately

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I haven’t purchased that many things recently, knowing that Christmas is coming… I try to save things to buy for my Christmas list since we love opening presents.

I did purchased this grapevine deer head which I’ll use on my nature woodland tree this year as a tree topper.

I also liked how they did the tree topper on this tree!


Our outdoor pizza oven is fully operational now (I said that like Admiral Ackbar,the Death Star is fully operational!” Okay I’ll hide my Star Wars nerd again).  We have been eating pizzas since August.  Here is a look at what we’ve made

my favorite, a potato, onion, parsnip and rosemary pizza.  Recipe courtesy of yours truly.

Herb garden zucchini pizza, recipe from Love and Lemons.

This is a classic Italian pizza – mozzarella, tomato sauce, basil and tomatoes.  

This is a vegetable pizza – spinach, sautéed mushrooms, roasted and marinated red peppers, red onion, provolone and parmesan cheese.

This is a simple salad I made – just took a salad mix from costco (a blue cheese with dried cherry one that had kale and other greens) and added some freshly chopped pears. It was delicious!


Blair at Atlantic Pacific has created a collection of clothes exclusively at Nordstrom that drops today! And I’m obsessed! I’d put pictures into the “bought” category… except the clothing line literally just dropped this morning so I haven’t bought anything!

I want so many of these!! Shop the collection here.

One King’s Lane related their Holiday Collection this weekend!! Oh it is SO MUCH FUN to browse through it.  I highlighted a few things here.   Try using the codes OKLPREFALL (25% off) or OKL20CARD (20% off). 

Italian Gilded Christmas Putti

Bottle Brush tree in Wedgwood Pot

French Grain Sack Christmas Tree Skirt

Vintage Stockings 

Tartan Christmas Stocking

Check out One King’s Lane entire Holiday Collection here!! 


I started the Throne of Glass series – “The story follows the journey of Celaena Sardothien, a teenage assassin in a corrupted kingdom with a tyrannical ruler. As the tale progresses, Celaena forms unexpected bonds and uncovers a conspiracy amidst her adventures.” – Wikipedia.  If you liked the Hunger Games, you will likely enjoy this series.

Harley Merlin and the Secret Coven – a new magical book involving the tales of Harley Merlin. A fantasy book with a potteresque feel.  If you liked Harry Potter, you’ll like these books too.


The Norsemen – on Netflix.  It is like Game of Thrones meets the Monty Python.  You have to have a certain sense of humor to enjoy this show – I was crying at times from laughing!

Once Upon a Time – on Netflix. This show was on ABC and just finished in 2017.  I can now binge watch it and am on Season 4.  It is about what happened if the Evil Queen had the happy ending. If you are a fan of Disney characters and fairytales, you’ll enjoy this show.

The Romanoffs – on Amazon Prime. Just started this show this weekend. The episodes are 1.5 hours long, so basically mini movies.  It follows the lives of the the descendants of the Russian Royal family.

What Else?

Also, I’ve updated my curated shop of favorites with lots of new items – be sure to check it out!

Curated Favorites Shop

I’ve also started doing a new Tabata Training program on my Peloton Bike (you can read a full review here). 



Fall is Almost Here – TFT party

We use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things!

This week I shared my French country Fall home tour.

Common Ground shared her rustic French Fall decor.

Follow the Yellow Brick Home shared her cottage style Fall home tour.

The Painted Apron shared her cute pumpkin Farm kitchen.

Lora Bloomquist shared a tutorial on making these cute fabric pumpkins.

Fresh Vintage by Lisa S shared a tutorial on how to make these velvet pumpkins with real stems.

Clearwater Cottage shared her Fall front porch.

Shoestring Elegance blog shared her pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.

If you’re new to this party, this is a weekly link party where you can link up your blog posts.  It is a great way to get traffic to your blogs! Bloggers and blog readers can both enjoy the party – stop on at other’s blogs and say hello!  I also pin my features (and others, too!) to our Thursday Favorite Things Pinterest Board, so be sure to follow along!

Remember you can add three links until midnight on Saturday. One each day or all at once.

Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.

Inlinkz has implemented a new policy when you add your link to the list you need to click the little square boxes about their policies on the bottom right.

Please subscribe to ALL of your hostesses blogs

Katherine-Katherines Corner

Nina-Vintage Mamas Cottage

Marilyn-Marilyns Treats

Bev-Eclectic Red Barn

Angelina- Petite Haus

Amber- Follow the Yellow Brick Home

Theresa- Shoestring Elegance

Linda- Crafts a la Mode

Pam- An Artful Mom


Life Lately No. 3

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We went to Portland, Oregon last month and I am sharing a few pictures.

Below is a picture of the Rose Garden.  This rose garden is one of a handful of international test rose gardens in the world.  We love buying sandwiches at a place called Elephant’s Deli and bringing them to the Rose Garden for a picnic!

Driving through the Willamette valley, a field of ranunculus was growing! 

Below are pictures from our hike at Silver Falls State Park.


I bought this Dyson V8 absolute cordless vacuum last month and I love it!  It is so handy for using around the house.  We have lots of little spiders ( gross, I know!) that like to hang out along the baseboards and frankly it was a huge hassle trying to vacuum them up.  With this vacuum, I can easily walk around the house and suck up the little bugs and I’m done in a few seconds.  Plus, I was able to vacuum the cat hair off the couch.. it cleaned it so well in only a few seconds. Was it cheap, no. I did get it for $100 off, I don’t know I guess there was a special or something.  Either way, I loooooove it.


Hmm, what do I want??? How about a red leather bag… hey, a girl can dream right?

Fall is starting to pop up here and there.  I’ve updated my shop with Fall finds and have also included them here… many of these are also on my wishlist!

I may earn a small commission if you purchase with these links

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I am wearing these slides below. I got them in a rose gold though. They are from Ugg and they are so comfy!! The sole is leather and is so soft. I love them!  I wear Ugg slippers around the house in the colder months and now I wear these around the house in the warmer months!


When Life Gives You LuLuLemons – by the author of the Devil Wears Prada, this book follows Miranda Priestley’s other assistant, Emily.  A fun book to read while at the pool or beach!

Game of Thrones book 3 – Yep, still reading this book… slowly.  I savor these books because I know when I’m done there are no more so every once in a while I will read a chapter or two.


G.L.O.W. – A show on Netflix, it is about actresses who try out for a show about ladies who wrestle. A comedy.

Insatiable – Also a show on Netflix, it is about a previous fat girl who loses weight and enters into a beauty pageant. A comedy.


We have fired up our pizza oven and this was the first pizza to come out of it!  A potato pizza.  I know, potatoes on a pizza, right?! Well, before you diss it, try it because it is delicious!!!  The recipe is here (oh boy, I look at my old blog posts and cringe… photography and lighting, not so great, oh well).

I made pumpkin bread… and I’d share the recipe, except I forgot which one I used!!!



Life Lately No. 2

We use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

Here’s my latest version life lately…. eating, watching, wearing, bought, want, reading and more!


I bought this Cole Haan packable rain jacket in light pink. I love it! I intend to bring it on our next Europe trip this Fall.  Oh, and it’s on sale so win win.

Gal Meets Glam Margie Tie Waist Saint Dress – I bought this dress for Summer events. It is so flattering and I think would work for so many different styles.  I love the retro vibe!

I love Pandora charms and bracelets.  They just had a sale on their site recently and I picked up some Disney Murano glass charms. I got the ones pictures below, which is the Cinderella color way. I already have the carriage.  Do you collect Pandora charms?


Flower Market Tissue Box Holder – How cute is this tissue box holder from MK??

And these chicken coop placemats?

How adorable is this striped bow straw tote?


I love this new blue gingham top I bought from the Hi Sugarplum x Gibson collection at Nordstrom.  I have been a follower of her blog for sometime and was so excited with her clothing line at Nordstroms!

I also have been wearing  this ruffled tank from the Hi Sugarplum collection as well! I love it! It has ruffles on the back as well and comes in so many different colors!


Birkenstock Gizeh Sandals in Rose Gold – I’ve been wearing these this Summer and love them.   Birkenstocks are “trendy” now, right??  I actually wear them because my plantar fasciitis acted up when I wore all of my other sandals.  I love the rose gold color of these.


Game of Thrones book 3 – Yes, I’m still reading this book. I confess, I haven’t really read it since the last time I did the life lately series.  I’ve instead been doing my cross stitch.


Solo, A Star Wars Story – The latest Star Wars movie released from Disney, this is about the back story to the beloved character of Han Solo.  As far as a Star Wars movie goes, there were no light sabers involved.  It was more of a heist type of movie that was set in the Star Wars universe.  I liked it, but it was not my favorite Star Wars movie.

Red Sparrow – a psychological thriller about a ballerina who ends up having to work as a spy and assassin for Russia.  The movie was really long with many plot twists and turns that I got confused. I don’t recommend it.

Jane the Virgin – the most recent tv series that I’m binge watching on Netflix.  “At 23, her life is on track; Jane is studying to be a teacher and engaged to a handsome detective who supports her decision to remain a virgin until marriage. Then a routine clinic visit flips her life upside down. Inseminated by a specimen meant for a patient in the next room, now-pregnant Jane is in a situation made only more insane when she learns that the sperm donor is her boss, Rafael. As her meticulously planned life gets more like the telenovelas she loves, she faces a lot of complicated decisions about where to go from here.” – Wiki. It is actually quite funny and is kind of a like a telenovela.

Set it Up – A romantic comedy on Netflix. It is about two assistants to two executives who try to set up their bosses to date so that way they can have more free time themselves and perhaps they end up falling in love instead.


Corn season has started.  We eat a lot of corn during the Summer.  Here are a few of my favorite recipes.

Below, Mexican street corn.

Mexican style corn with a serrano creme and poblano peppers.  This one is my favorite!

Iced coffee.  I drink a lot of it in the Summer. I used my Nespresso machine to make my coffee.  Everyday. Twice a day. Here is the exact machine we have with the steam wand. This one is cheaper and has the separate milk brother. This one can do both espresso and drip coffee.

This and That

I’ve been working on a cross stitch and I kept trying to upload a progress picture but it just isn’t working.  That’s what I’ve been doing with my free time since I haven’t been posting as much on the blog because traffic has been way down as it usually is every Summer.     We’ve got some Summer trips coming up too – that’s why blog traffic is down, everyone is so busy in the Summer!

ALSO! NEXT WEEK is the Nordstrom Anniversary sale!

Hooray! If you’ve been following the blog, you’ll know that I am a huge fan of the anniversary sale.

What is the Anniversary Sale?

This is a unique sale such that NEW products for the Fall and Winter season go on sale from major brands. No other store does that so it is very unique to Nordstrom.  I stock up on Fall essentials and also start thinking about Christmas shopping too – seriously, so many great deals here!

How can I shop the sale?

The early access to the sale is July 12- July 19. Only Nordstrom card holders can shop the sale during this time. Don’t worry if you don’t have a card – public access opens July 20 and ends August 5 and you’ll still be able to find tons of great items.

How do I shop Early Access?

The card is your key! It allows you to shop the sale 8 days earlier than the public!!! Lots of pieces do sell out right away during the early access sale, so being a card holder is essential in my book. Not a card holder? Apply for a Nordstrom card here
















Refreshing Summer Treats at Thursday Favorite Things

Refreshing Summer Treats at Thursday Favorite ThingsWe use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

This week on Thursday Favorite Things there were many Summer desserts shared! First though, a note for my regular readers: This Summer I’m going to be posting a little bit less because I’ve been quite busy with the outdoors, projects and travel. I’ll post either on Monday or Tuesday, Thursday Favorite Things on Thursday and then Friday Favorites.  It seems everyone else is busy too as blog viewership is down… and I don’t think it’s just me! I haven’t even had time to read all of my favorite blogs either!

If you’re new to this party, this is a weekly link party where you can link up your blog posts.  It is a great way to get traffic to your blogs! Bloggers and blog readers can both enjoy the party – stop on at other’s blogs and say hello!  I also pin my features (and others, too!) to our Thursday Favorite Things Pinterest Board, so be sure to follow along!

All that’s Jas shared this easy no churn strawberry frozen yogurt.

Strength and Sunshine shared this no bake gluten free S’mores parfait.

The Painted Apron shared these watermelon mini cupcakes.

DelightfulEMade share this cute funfetti chocolate chip cookie cake.

Homemade Lovely shared a refreshing pink lemonade sorbet.

Low Carb Delish shared these frozen low-carb chocolate raspberry cream cheese bites.

The Lou Lou Girls shared these caramel apple bars.

Gluesticks Blog shared a no-churn cake batter ice cream.

Cook with Renu shared a chocolate oreo milkshake. 

Grandma Ideas shared these simple patriotic pops.

Katherine-Katherines Corner

Nina-Vintage Mamas Cottage

Marilyn-Marilyns Treats

Bev-Eclectic Red Barn

Angelina- Petite Haus

Amber- Follow the Yellow Brick Home

Theresa- Shoestring Elegance




From the Shop

I may earn a small commission if you purchase with these links

Dwight Sleeveless Midi Dress
Varley Tiffany Textured Knit Cardigan Women's Sweater woodrose stitch : SM, Cotton
Large Le Pliage Panier Tote
Extra Small Le Roseau Denim Bucket Bag
Le Pliage Broderie Anglaise Leather Shoulder Bag
Caning Natural Tote Handbag - Universal Thread™
The Hustler High Waist Fray Hem Ankle Bootcut Jeans
The Bennet Buttondown Shirt by Maeve
Mellow Stud Mule
Unseen Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 40 PA+++
Maxine Stripe Cotton Button-Up Shirt
Citizens of Humanity Charlotte High Rise Straight Jeans
Navy Equestrian Traversee M Linen Tote
Charlotte High Rise Straight Jeans
Vintage cotton crewneck T-shirt
Santorini Raffia Basket Bag
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