It’s a Spring Tea Link Party

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Hey everyone, Happy Memorial Day weekend! This Saturday and Sunday, we invite you to share your Spring related posts and link up to our link party! Also, there is a giveaway you can enter at the bottom of this post!

Spring Tea Party, Tea, Link Party

Why the extra link party this weekend? We are doing a blog hop – check out all of the fabulous bloggers!  If you join the link party your posts will be viewed on all of these blogs!

 The Painted Hinge |  My Thrift Store Addiction  |  Everyday Living

Enter to win the GIVEAWAY in the Rafflecopter widget below. Winner to be announced May 29th!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Join the link party here – share your Spring posts!





Life Lately No 1

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Starting a new series today called “Life Lately”.  Just writing about a few lifestyle topics, hope you enjoy.  I’ll probably write about this once a month – that’s the intention! Affiliate links are used – meaning using them for purchases won’t cost you extra but may earn me a small commission. 

Eau de Sens is my favorite perfume – I adore the orange blossom scent!  They’ve just come out with a  Eau de Sens hair mist and hand wash/body cleansing gel and of course I bought them both!

I bought this umbrella in Azure Blue for the backyard!


I’ve been looking at outdoor furniture.  I really want some bistro chairs – love this one with the “X”s,

this one with the chevron pattern,

or this plain navy one.

However, I know they are not the most comfortable chairs.  They aren’t uncomfortable, but the rocking padded chairs are more comfortable.  More likely is that we will get a metal dining set like below… you know, one that can be easily hosed off.


Linen joggers – I’ve been wearing these a lot as they are perfect for cooler mornings and hot afternoons!

As we were just in Hawaii, I’ve recently been wearing my favorite linen shorts! They are so comfy and are the perfect casual short!

Love this sheer tunic top – it is so romantic! It also comes in blue.

Lilly Pulitzer white sleeveless top – love the cute gold buttons!

The Selection Series – read all 3 books on vacation. They had thousands of reviews on Amazon. They areeasy reads IMO, not too thought provoking.ll good for a light read. If you liked the hunger games or divergent, or are fans of the bachelor, you’ll probably like this series.

Game of Thrones book 3 – I absolutely love game of thrones, both the tv show and the books. The books are better, but aren’t the books always better? They are so well written, I love reading them. They are dense and there are many characters and plot lines to follow. I actually love reading them so much that I had to slow myself down when I realized I was going to finish the series rather quickly. I have been trying to “save them”… if you liked reading the lord of the rings or the chronicles of narnia, then you would like these books.

A.P. Bio- a lighthearted comedy about a professor from Harvard who has to move to Toledo for family issues and is teaching AP Bio in high school…. except that’s the point, he does zero teaching of biology.

War and Peace – I wrote about period tv dramas… and I hadn’t yet finished this one.

Infinity War – I don’t like superhero movies generally speaking (except black panther, Wonder Woman, the dark knight and iron man 1) but this movie was good because it had a ton of superheroes… including some that I didn’t know since I’m not in the know.

Shape of Water – a little weird as a lady falls in love with a fish man. Not really “my type” of movie but I had to see what all the talk was about and totally get why the critics liked it, but I didn’t really like it.

Goodbye Christopher Robin – If you liked Winnie the Pooh, you will probably like this movie.  It is about the author A. A. Milne and his family and how he came to write about the book.

The açaí bowl 🍲 from this book by Nadia Damaso called “Eat Healthy, Not Less”.  I recently bought this cookbook and love it!  I’m totally obsessed with her smoothie bowls.  I made her peanut noodle recipe too – but made it even healthier with zoodles.  What’s also amazing about Nadia Damaso is that she released this book when she was 19 years old!!



E.F. Chapman Gramercy Copycat

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Bonus post today! I was scrolling through the internet when I came across this light at Pottery Barn. The copycat is on sale for $389 (and a 20% discount this weekend at Pottery Barn!)

Wait a minute! This copycat looks very similar to E.F. Chapman’s Gramercy light, below. The authentic one retails for $1679.

I *almost* purchased this light for my living room but ended up going with something else.  Thought I’d share this deal with you all!

I have previously written about the E.F. Chapman Darlana Pendant here.



Decorating with Tulips

French Country SpringWe use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

I decided last week that I am ready for Spring.  Forget the rest of Winter – show me the flowers!

French Country Spring

Some fresh flowers lighten the mood in any room.  Tulips are in season so that’s what is on display right now.

Below, my dining room has Christmas removed.  For those that follow along, you will notice drapes and a changed mantel vignette.

French Country Spring

I prefer the tulips in their namesake vase – the tulipiere. I wrote about tulipieres here.

French Country Spring

But they look magnificent in any vase – bud vase, crystal vase, pitcher, tulipiere, you name it!French Country Spring

What’s funny about the tulips is how much they’ve grown since day one.  When I arranged them the buds were closed and they were just the height of each level – they have all grown at least 3 inches, some even more and I trimmed them down!

French Country Spring

I have yet to make a Valentine’s Day table… I suppose this is it.  The candles are fake.  They flicker at night time.  I love them!

French Country Spring

One last look at the tulips!  I encourage you to go buy a bunch – they will make the Winter Blues go away!French Country Spring






Recent Shopping Finds!

We use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

Hey everyone, thought I would share some recent shopping finds.  This isn’t meant to be in your face about buying things, but I genuinely thought you all would enjoy some of things that I have spotted! I do use affiliate links – thanks for supporting the site!

First off, Kate Spade has finally made an Apple Watch band! YES! I bought the black floral one and I love it.  I love my Apple Watch, but I honestly have not loved a single band I have seen.  These Kate Spade ones are the cutest. I have the older version of the pink rose gold sport watch – here is the newer version.

Black Floral


Blue Flowers

Black and White Gingham

Zella Live In High Waist Leggings _ I just got these and I love them! Yes they are for yoga/gym time, but I have been using them under my long sweaters, sweater dresses and tunics. They are high waisted – great for hiding that muffin top we all love to hate.

Zella Crop Pants – just got these too.  We went to Disneyland this weekend and I loved wearing these around the park.  They are great athleisure pants and perfect for occasions when you aren’t feeling the jeans. They will be great for hiking too! And you can work out in them if you want!

Diptyque Rose Delight Candle – the new limited edition candle from Diptyque. It smells really good. It smells of rose, honey and lemon zest! The packaging is an interpretation of French toile. I adore it! Here is the smaller $35 version.


What to do with your Paperwhites after they bloom?

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I grew paper whites for the first time last year for Christmas.  But I planted them way too soon and they were already done blooming before Christmas.

Christmas Paperwhites But I still have them sitting out on my counter. Just all lengthy green leaves with dead flowers.

It’s not pretty. I’m not showing you a picture.

So I set out to find… so what do I do with the bulbs? Ideally I’d like them to grow again next Winter.

It took a while to find some information.  Most places recommend just tossing them and buying new ones.  But I have some beautiful healthy bulbs so I want to try to save them for next year.

Well, first, you don’t cut the leaves.  You need to let the leaves die back naturally on their own. While the flowers are done blooming, the leaves provide nutrients to the bulb for next year.  I continue to water the bulbs every 2-3 days.

If you live in Zone 8 or higher, you can put the bulbs outside. Otherwise just keep them in the window.

After the last frost, you can transplant them into the garden outside. But apparently they may not bloom again for several years. (!!)

Christmas Paperwhites

But then I found this:

“Unlike many bulbs, paperwhites need no chilling to force blooms and are only hardy in USDA zone 10. This means that in California you can plant the bulb outdoors and you may get a bloom the next year if you fed it and let its foliage persist. More likely, however, you will not get a bloom for two or three years. In other regions, you will probably not have any success with a rebloom and the bulbs should be composted. It is quite common to grow paperwhites in a glass container with marbles or gravel at the bottom. The bulb is suspended on this medium and water provides the remainder of the growing situation. However, when bulbs are grown this way, they cannot gather and store any additional nutrients from their roots. This makes them energy deficient and there is no way you can get another bloom. In a nutshell, getting paperwhites to rebloom is not probable. The cost of the bulbs is minimal, so the best idea for flowering is to purchase another set of bulbs. Remember, paperwhite bulb reblooming in zone 10 may be possible, but even this ideal condition is not a sure-fire prospect. However, it never hurts to try and the worst that can happen is the bulb rots and provides organic material for your garden.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Can Paperwhite Flowers Rebloom: Tips On Getting Paperwhites To Rebloom

So, to answer my question, I should just throw them away.

Christmas Paperwhites



Pantone Color Of the Year 2018 – Ultra Violet

Pantone Color of the Year 2018 Ultra VioletWe use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

Happy New Year everyone!  Let’s kick off this new year by looking at the Pantone color of the year – Ultra Violet.  It is a blue-based purple.  Here’s what Pantone has to say about the color.

Pantone Color of the Year 2018 Ultra Violet

I have to confess, I am not a huge fan of this color in terms of using it in my decor, however I have to confess I have been inspired by these images!!  I think adding a pop of it here and there could be quite fun!

Pantone Color of the Year 2018 Ultra Violet

source mon cheri bridals Pantone Color of the Year 2018 Ultra Violet

source degournayPantone Color of the Year 2018 Ultra Violet

Source: decorare Pantone Color of the Year 2018 Ultra Violet

source architectural digest
Pantone Color of the Year 2018

instagram homenostalgi

Pantone Color of the Year 2018


Pantone Color of the Year 2018


Pantone Color of the Year 2018

Pantone Color of the Year 2018


Pantone Color of the Year 2018


Pantone Color of the Year 2018 Ultra Violet

source house beautiful

Pantone Color of the Year 2018


Tom Ford Orchid Perfume

Pantone Color of the Year 2018

Source Traditional Home, Design by Alex Papachristidis

I think the easiest and least permanent way to add some ultra violet into your life and household is to simply purchase some flowers.  Below are two violet flowers – the Vanda orchid and the African Violet.

Vanda orchid, above

African Violet, above.


On the Twelfth Day of Christmas…

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas…We use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

My true love gave to me…

12 drummers drumming!

Antique Bronze drummer boy clock, turn of the century.

Antique German wind up tin toy, a drumming cat.

French bisque automated drummer, c. 1882

Dresden Putti Drummer, c 1725

Meissen soldier drummer

18th century Meissen monkey drummer figurine

Meissen drummer figurine, c 1750. Getty images.

And to round up the troops, the remaining drummers are all German wooden nutcrackers.


And that ends the hypothetical 12 days of Christmas gifts here!  I had fun dreaming up “gifts” – obviously all extravagant and somewhat ridiculous, but then again, isn’t the song ridiculous?? HA! Are you sick of the song yet?? Me too.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I’ll be back on the blog after the New Year – taking a short break for the holidays!

If you have missed any of the 12 Days of Christmas, click here.





On the Tenth Day of Christmas…

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My true love gave to me:

A English hunt with 10 lords-a-leaping on their horses! Painting is ‘The Belvoir Hunt: Full Cry’, Henry Thomas Alken, c.1830-40

If you have missed any of the 12 Days of Christmas, click here.




On the Ninth Day of Christmas…

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My true love gave to me…

A painting of 9 ballerinas dancing.  It would of course be a reproduction, as the original painting is by Edgar Degas, 1873 “Ballet Rehearsal” and is in a museum!

If you have missed any of the 12 Days of Christmas, click here.





On the Sixth Day of Christmas

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My true love gave to me…

6 Audubon bird prints!  These may not all be “calling” birds, but they all certainly can make some noise!  I have always adored the Audubon wildlife prints and have several in my house.

If you have missed any of the 12 Days of Christmas, click here.





On the Fifth Day of Christmas…

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My true love gave to me…

Five gold rings! Hey, a girl can dream, right?

If you have missed any of the 12 Days of Christmas, click here.




On the Fourth Day of Christmas…

We use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

My true love gave to me….

Four Bird Brooches.  These are Tiffany & Co Schlumberger “Birds on a Rock” brooches.


If you have missed any of the 12 Days of Christmas, click here.




On the Third Day of Christmas…

We use affiliate links in our posts and our site. This means if you make a purchase using these links, we may earn a small commission. You don’t pay a cent more than you would otherwise! Our full disclosure is available under About.

My true love gave to me…

This bucolic, antique painting from France featuring 3 chickens, circa 1870.

3 french chickens

If you have missed any of the 12 Days of Christmas, click here.





Surprise Box Giveaway!

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Exciting news for my blog readers today!!  I am cohosting a GIVEAWAY that starts today!  Every year in the season of giving I like to give back to you all and cohost a giveaway with some blogging friends.

The giveaway entry period ends January 10.  I don’t know about you, but around then I’m deep in the Winter Blues so winning a giveaway would be just the thing to lift my spirits, so hopefully you will feel the same way too!

Here is what’s the giveaway:

One winner will receive a surprise box filled with goodies valued at $100 from Katherines Corner and Katherines Corner Shop

and a cash prize ( or Amazon gift card) for $40 from her bloggy friends too!

Prizes are provided by Katherines Corner and Some of Katherine’s bloggy friend. PayPal is not affiliated with this giveaway it is a means to award the prize money.

Amazon is not affiliated with this giveaway a gift card will be provided if the winner selects it.

Please remember to follow your giveaway Sponsor and all of the Giveaway Hostess so you can get all of your entries!

Katherine-Katherines Corner

Diane-Recipes For Our Daily Bread

Lisa- Blogghetti

Marilyn-Marilyns Treats

Nina-Vintage Mamas Cottage

Laura- Not A Trophy Wife

Angelina- Petite Haus

Diane -Mamal Diane Keeping Life Simple

Lisa-Casa Boutique

Diane – Mamal Diane

Disclaimer from Katherines Corner-Some of my giveaways have sponsors, Katherines Corner may receive compensation for reviews and advertising provided. However, no compensation will influence the outcome of any review. Katherines Corner provides reviews to readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase. Katherines Corner and its affiliate Bobskatie Enterprises reserves the right to not publish a review of a product or products that do not meet the specified instructions provided to product submission companies or individuals. Reviews are posted in the appropriate section at Katherines Corner and also at ( subject to products availability) This in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

To enter please log into the entry form using your email address or facebook log in

Good Luck in the Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway






From the Shop

I may earn a small commission if you purchase with these links

Dwight Sleeveless Midi Dress
Varley Tiffany Textured Knit Cardigan Women's Sweater woodrose stitch : SM, Cotton
Large Le Pliage Panier Tote
Extra Small Le Roseau Denim Bucket Bag
Le Pliage Broderie Anglaise Leather Shoulder Bag
Caning Natural Tote Handbag - Universal Thread™
The Hustler High Waist Fray Hem Ankle Bootcut Jeans
The Bennet Buttondown Shirt by Maeve
Mellow Stud Mule
Unseen Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 40 PA+++
Maxine Stripe Cotton Button-Up Shirt
Citizens of Humanity Charlotte High Rise Straight Jeans
Navy Equestrian Traversee M Linen Tote
Charlotte High Rise Straight Jeans
Vintage cotton crewneck T-shirt
Santorini Raffia Basket Bag
Please note that I use ShopSense,, Shareasale and Amazon affiliate links on this site. This means using them for purchases won’t cost you extra but may earn me a small commission.  Our full disclosure is available for viewing under About in the disclosure policy.
All rights reserved. Our graphics, images and text are all subject to copyright protection.